Pro Team

Steven Rinella

Remi Warren

Jessi Johnson

Lydia Smith

Jordan Budd

Casey Butler

Brian Mclrea

Eric Chesser

Chelsea Cassens

Clay Newcomb

Kit Fischer

Ben Dettamanti

Dirk Durham

Nick Muche

Travis Warren

Sam Soholt

Jason Phelps

Dr. Kevin Monteith

Janis Putelis

Clay Hayes
In the Field
Western Team

"Best Season Yet" Season 4
The "Best Season Yet" Series documents the entirety of the Hush team's fall hunting season. From August through December, Hush captures some amazing footage hunting elk, mule deer, pronghorn and whitetail all over the US. Season 4 was one for the books, from Alaska caribou to chasing bulls in our own backyard of Idaho. Watch the highlights and full season on Hushin's Youtube channel.
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